Compare Your Web Tools & Have Fun

Welcome to Compare Hub, a place where you can learn about the modern-day web development tools you need to build the web of tomorrow.

Grow Yourself Through page image

Discovery is a learning hub made with a goal to help you get familiar with modern tools and trends in web development. A free dev learning resource most of our team members wanted when they started their developer journeys.

It is our way of giving back to the community that helped us become one of the leading web dev agencies that work with modern tools to produce amazing web experiences for both our clients and their audience.

Let Jamstacky be your guide in discovering modern web dev tools!

Static Site Generators(SSGs)

The ease, security advantages, and speedy content delivery make static site generators the next big thing.

  • Astro
  • Bridgetown
  • Docsify
  • Eleventy
  • Gatsby
  • Gridsome
  • Hexo
  • Hugo
  • Jekyll
  • Next.JS
  • Nuxt.js
  • Remix
  • Scully
compare Static Site Generators(SSGs)


A headless CMS is a content repository that may transmit content via APIs to any front-end or device. All of your content and components are stored in the headless CMS.

  • Agility CMS
  • Butter CMS
  • Contentful
  • Contentstack
  • Cosmic
  • Craft CMS
  • DatoCMS
  • Directus
  • Forestry
  • GatherContent
  • Ghost
  • Headless WordPress
  • Kentico Kontent
  • KeystoneJS
  • Lexas CMS
  • Magnolia CMS
  • NetlifyCMS
  • Payload CMS
  • Prismic
  • Sanity
  • Storyblok
  • Strapi
  • TakeShape
  • TinaCMS
  • hygraph
compare CMS

Deployment Platforms

The Jamstack ecosystem is rapidly evolving, and with it -- we're witnessing a wider usage of static site generators, which are certainly a big part of the Jamstack technology.

  • AWS Amplify
  • Azure Static Web Apps
  • Begin
  • Cloudflare Pages
  • Digital Ocean App Platform
  • Firebase
  • Gatsby Cloud
  • GitHub Pages
  • Heroku
  • Layer0
  • Netlify
  • Render
  • Vercel
compare Deployment Platforms

Want to explore more ?

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Let’s supercharge your online presence!

Be it capture more leads, increase sales or engage visitors with your content, your website must serve your specific business needs. That’s why our approach at Converted is to start by really understanding what it is you want from your site, and perhaps throwing in a few suggestions along the way.

If, and only if, we think Converted can add value and be ROI-positive for you, we will engage further with a project proposal. Read more about our philosophy and aproach.